About Me!

Hi! I’m Mackenzie Larsen. Currently I am eighteen years old. I was born in Spokane, WA, but spent most of my life in a rural area of Utah. About two years ago, my family and I moved back to Spokane, mainly to be close to my grandparents and other relatives that live there. I enjoy a variety of things, ranging from crafting to sports. Some of my favorite crafts right now are calligraphy, pottery, arm knitting, and painting. I love to watch hockey with my family, and am excited to watch the Washington State football team play this fall. I also enjoy my time with Netflix, and love to snuggle up and binge watch. I am now a student at Washington State University, in Pullman, WA. As for a major, I am undecided. I have a lot of career interests, like criminology, nursing, teaching, forensics, biology, and chemistry, which covers basically every major career path offered at Washington State. I am a very indecisive person, and the thought of choosing a career that I would have for the rest of my life is pretty daunting to me. Right now, as an undecided student, I am testing out different courses offered here, so that I can find my niche. One of these courses that I am taking in Communications 210. This class is the main purpose of this new blog, so that I can display the various media content that I will be making for my class. Hope you enjoy my journey!


Me, Mackenzie!