My Logo Sketch!


For my design, I wanted to make it look like the sun. I would want to do kind of a gradient look for the rays. The middle section is still in the works, but I really want to go with the symbolism that the sun would convey for my topic.

One thought on “My Logo Sketch!

  1. I appreciate your design and how it’s related to your religion. But the rays of “light” are hard on the eyes and three of them are different colors also throws off the look. The glow around “institute” is also hard for the eyes to track and stay focus on the word. I think LDS should also be larger. Maybe having the various rings different colors would help defuse the eye. Not only that but completely removing the boarder around the last ring which might bring the attention away from the outside and bring it more to the center of the logo. Looking at your sketch I really enjoy the triangle inside the circle, it gives the eye a nice break from the circles and the logo of the title. I say you add it into the final draft to help make the logo easier to look at because it looks a little like staring at the sun right now. I know you were going for a light look but you might have over shot it.


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